Spine Anatomy

Philadelphia Waterworks Extension // Museum

Location: Waterworks, Philadelphia, PA

Instructed by Danielle Willems
Individual Project, FA 2021

“Neurons travel across our internal organs; eventually, the spinal column has become their transition hub from the brain to the tips of the toes.”


Spine anatomy is set up of three ideas that construct speculation of a new museum extension of Philadelphia Museum of Arts: Spine as a means to connect among various programs, Spine as a serpentine field condition to subdivide spaces, and Spine as a technique to engage the site condition. The Spine plays the role of the central hub where people meander to different spaces and branch out from the spine to find these interesting moments where it all begins with the spine: branching to the education space, to the museum, to the outdoor theater, to the outdoor ground public spaces, and the rooftop. As a result of these moments, one can be a participant and a speculator at the same time through these moments of branching from the spine.


︎[Renderings]-Exterior Night Render
︎[Renderings]-Drone Perspective



The 1/8” scale physical chunk model utilizes varied materials, including 3d printed components, acrylic, and foam. The model reveals varied degree of deformation of the spine and its tectonic details. The Spine plays the role of the central hub where people meander to different spaces and branch out with varied degree of deformation from the spine to find these interesting moments where it all begins with the spine.

[Physical Model Photographs]

︎[Photographs]-1/8” Scale Overall Model

︎[Photographs]-1/8” Scale Model Detail
